Hannah's Commercial

Friday, September 26, 2008

Tyler the Texan's Birthday Party

Well the third year has come! Tyler celebrated his Birthday on Saturday with lots of friends. We went to the indoor playroom/partyroom at the on-base activity center where the kids got cowboy hats, paper vests to decorate and shiny sheriff badges. We ate barbecue and had cake...an all 'round fun time was had by all. Tyler is grateful for his gifts, two dinosaurs, cars and Play-doh! He loves his tonka garbage truck from Grammy and Grandad (he picked it out). He also loves his transformer that came from Grandpa Bill, and the soccer ball, football helmets and airplane launcher from the Fifes. Thanks to Laurie for getting a portable airplane gift...Hot Wheels "Snake Escape" - which has made as many trips to preschool as Tyler. Thanks to you all.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Stint on Youtube

OK, so it was kind of fun thinking that if I got enough of my friends to "pity vote" for me, I might be able to win some credit towards "Liken" products by entering LIken Star 2 contest. (They really are amazing videos awesome for the whole family, check them out at: http://www.likenthebible.com/affiliates//idevaffiliate.php?id=133). So after hemming and hawing, I finally got the nerve on Friday night and the submission deadline was on Saturday. Tyler's Birthday party was that day so I couldn't do any videoing, so I made Kurt stand on the bed with our ancient digital camera at 11pm as I sang just loud enough to be heard by the camera and not by the other people in the TLF (military hotel). That was a blast...NOT. So it came out well enough or so I thought until I got blasted on YouTube by a 43 year-old computer junkie who has nothing better to do than sit around writing nasty things about people. Have to say that didn't do anything for the confidence level! Guess I will stick to acting and leave the singing to the professionals!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fall in Arkansas

Well, so far we have survived the TLF (two-bedroom hotel) that we have been in since August. We took advantage of the base pool and the local "Splash Zone" as well as Chuck-E-Cheese and the indoor and outdoor playgrounds on base. Recently we took a trip to the Longeway's "Farm" where the kids got to see the community garden. Hannah and Tyler have started morning pre-school programs to keep them busy now. They are at the Jacksonville Christian Academy which has the ABEKA curriculum that worked so well for Sarah. Both kids are so smart and are doing well.

Sarah is attending Arnold Drive Elementary School on base and is doing really well. She was the top scorer in her class in reading and very high for her age on Math! Hannah and Sarah are both in Soccer and are doing really well.

Hannah is getting more agressive on the field, and stopped making eyes at the boys (no, really) and Sarah has gotten a piece of the ball numerous times during her games. Tyler loves to help his sisters "practice." Team Mom keeps me plenty busy as does the party I am planning for Tyler's Birthday...pictures to come soon.

We all have taken every opportunity to have sushi in preparation for Japan. Our sponsors sent us each our own set of chopsticks too and some Japanese candy and snacks. This has made each of us that much more excited to go, although it is nice catching up with our friends here in Arkansas.

Kurt is doing very well in his school, although he is his typical modest self when asked. He starts flying the C-130 again next week and can't wait - simulators just aren't the same. He only has six flights until he is finished so depending on weather and scheduling, we could be gone right at the beginning of November...will keep you all posted!

Christmas 08